Saturday, October 24, 2009


The Chief Justice is there trying to straighten the judiciary inclusive of all the judges & the lawyers but that's all he can do. As the constitution making body is the parliament majority of which is the political filth of Pakistan now being exposed at a great pace by the media from all ends. Even if one goes to the judiciary to have his appeal/witness recorded its not done without bribe. If one gets a decision being his right he doesn't get it without paying for it. Chief please solve it.
Providing justice to each individual irrespective of wealth & color means building a sense of protection resulting in sense of responsibility & devotion in him later on leading to the development of that particular institute or country. But the political filth of Pakistan can’t afford to do so. As they are the people of Meer Jafar/Meer Sadiq Community ready to be auctioned for their personal interests & to destroy Pakistan in all fields of life. If justice is applied as above they are nowhere.
With the help & guidance of Supreme Judicial Council Lawyers Bar Councils must work out an auditing/accountability formula to enforce & accelerate smooth JUSTICE. As JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED. If the lawyers forums think on earning money by delayed tactics then Pakistan will remain destroyed in the worst condition in all departments of life and political filth will continue ruling Pakistan. Another Quaid E Azam can emerge from Lawyers forum preferably but sincerity is the requirement.

These are the mothers which produced in Muslims the spirit of Shahadat & there are incidents when great Muslim mothers cried upon their sons on seeing them alive after the battle. When her son said Mother we have fought and won the war she said I wanted to be called the mother of a Shaheed. Where do we find such mothers now? May Allah Almighty once again produce in us the spirit of Shahadat and give us mothers who preached their sons not to return from the battle field but gain Shahadat there. refused to accept these remarks